Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Church and Batu Caves

Sunday! The Day of REST. We were really happy to go to church and really happy that it didn't start until 11AM! Church was so great. I had one of the best lessons I've ever had in priesthood. The teacher was really well prepared and we had a great discussion about the Holy Spirit and how we can always be conscious of Him and the spiritual promptings we receive. I'm so grateful for everything I know about the gospel of Jesus Christ and that I can keep learning more!

Sacrament meeting was pretty amazing too. There was a kid that sang a solo but he forgot the words halfway through so he asked if he could start over. It was pretty adorable. I love small branches. 

There was also a speaker that told us about how his sister had died in a car wreck when someone had crashed into her, but it was actually chill because she was a jerk to everyone in the family anyway! Haha. It was such a crazy story! 

Sacrament was awesome! That little boy was so adorable! His mom was the relief society president, they were such a cute family. And the guy that talked about his dead sister was unreal, he said something like "it's okay to dislike people." And "all of my sisters friends said such nice things about her after she died, and we were all surprised because she was so horrible."

Relief society was great! I'm so happy and grateful for the Holy Ghost and the protection, guidance, and comfort that it brings into our lives. I love this gospel! I'm also so grateful that we got to take the sacrament and renew our baptismal covenants. 

Some random guy checking out the church. I hope he joins!

Batu caves. Amazing statue, magnificent cliffs, and MONKEYS EVERYWHERE. At one point there was a dog that was threatening them and all the monkeys got totally crazy. Actually, there were a lot of points were the monkeys got totally crazy. Monkeys crack me up. 

Too many monkeys, not into it. Ugh. 

View from inside the caves looking up. 

This photo doesn't really capture it, but it's the best I could do. Basically the monkeys were jumping all over the cliffs and it was super cool. 

With our new friend, Sandra! We met her at the hostel. She's from Canada, but she's actually portuguese. She quit her job, came traveling around SE Asia, and nest she's going to go do a working holiday in Australia! After that she wants to head to South America. She's so cool! Hopefully we run into her in some part of the world someday in the future. 

Sandra is awesome, she was a therapist for troubled children at a school, and she lived in San Francisco for 4 years. She's 4 feet and 11 inches, and is super feisty! I love it!!!  

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